Separate names with a comma.
You excavate land for NEVAC yes? Make big pretty place 4 ppl. I giv pxl. Also kep BFFs gamma and alyx happy whilst work. Gamma pays. -Spacechaser
Can't believe I'm doing this, but I guess the song kind of represents how Spacechaser continually masquerades his loneliness through a happy face....
Hav job for you? You want job? -Space "The Chase" Chaser
You sound strong. Can you build or mine? Or both? We could use someone like you at NEVAC. -Spacechaser
30k pixels! -Spacechaser
He was a terrible slaver! You talk of one as if one would devour the corpse! Surely, considering my past tirades with slavery my actions are...
Give me the corpse. Give me. Give me. Give me. -Spacechaser
I'm winning! I'M WINNING! When will one acquire this body? -Spacechaser
I offer one 10k voxel. -Spacechaser
Ooh! The flayed corpse of such a vile criminal would look good on the fort. I accept your bid! 1000 for the corpse! -Spacechaser
Day Sixty: I met Leon again today, on the roof of his apartment building in Stark, for once it was him who confronted me, not the other way...
Day Fifty Six (Part two!) SUCCESS! It worked! My plan worked! Let me explain, I confronted Leon again in the bar (the one referred to as...
Day Fifty Six: Still no sign of any of the members. Met Leon again today however. Needless to say, that tactic I had? Horrible idea. What I...
Day Fifty Five: I feel... Numb. The euphoria is definitely gone. AJ has... Quit NEVAC. I'm in shock. Not only has T (and everyone else for...
Day Forty Seven: Me and T went through a lot today, stuff I don't want to talk about, all I know is she's been absent since. We ran into this...
Day Thirty Nine: Ran into that Leon indivual again today. He broadcasted on the radio he was bitten by a floran or some such and basically he...
Day Thirty Two: Well, it appears the euphoria has been stunted. Today, AJ came to me about the way I had been throwing NEVAC's name around, and...
Day Twenty Two: I did some information gathering today. For myself of course. I learned of a few more pockets of civilisation, a place named...
Day Twenty: I believe I've pulled my weight. Today, I brought forth a glitch I met on Stark. Honor Guard Zero One Thirteen. I know not of glitch...
Day Thifteen: I really should learn of a way to utilise these writing skills of mine, according to some, a literate floran is a rarity, and I've...