Separate names with a comma.
(( This information can only be obtained via Viccy herself, or if you're a smartypants, by slipping onto her ship's S.A.I.L; the one that keeps...
So, as far as y'all know, Iron has it's properties, Steel has others, Titanium has others, but then, we have a trouble from now on. After looking...
((Aryanne's Recordings can only be found on the database of her crappy ship, and can only be accessed by both, having Aryanne's consent, or...
((Note that these logs can only be accessed via Lissa's ship console, where everything is stored. Any IC information here will be mentioned if...
As many of you should know, the Apex have been doing Bioengineering like if they had no tomorrow. I believe, that at some point they mixed...
((Hiding between other books in a bookcase in Alyx's little house, one small, grey book with nothing labelled on the sides can be seen. If picked...
So, I'm finally in, after waiting almost a week (6 days and who-knows how long) till' Hawke gave me the good news! :D So, I guess that Ah'll see...