Separate names with a comma.
The rations idea is because of how the NA is designed to "serve business and the people". In essence, those who serve the NA shall not have to...
Sure thing. (Same time as yesterday?)
(( Imperator is the roman rank for General or Emperor. I followed the structure of a roman legion xD Changed it to the political roman Consul...
Request Approved. (When are you available? BTW, Zach I love your avatar, W40k is best. Call the baneblades! Oh, and Ethereal, SAO is good.)
We are currently researching laser weaponry and are close to success. (I just need to find a way to make it lag the game less, been testing it on...
((When are you available?))
(Updated pictures of uniforms and added payment/rations info, added Roman ranks)
[IMG] Nuclear Amalgamation Beta-Class Glassing Cruiser "Gensokyo" "Damn NA, they glassed our planets!" -random dead guy built as a light, fast...
<Insert Flag Image Here> Libertas Supra Omnia Freedom, regardless of race, creed, or affiliation. The Nuclear Amalgamation stands for freedom for...
Gentlemen. This is a place for trading, not for discussing the laws of physics. (As awesome as it is...) The MAGs are able to fire in both air and...
I will await your purchase, Mr. Omega. As for gunpowder- It's for scrubs! It's dirty, energy-consuming, and keen to explode rather violently when...
Meh. Boring. Just like all those Conglomerate "Ethics and Morality" examinations. Waste of time, they were... However, if this fellow can pay the...
[REDACTED; access level insufficient]
Aye, I'll get those two you as soon as possible. A supply dreadnought will be coming to y'all ASAP. Remember, there's no gunpowder needed... so we...
(Somehow, the starnet reconnects) Alright, I finally fixed that up. Well, Ehehe... Okazaki here. Your statement has quite the problem. Reason?...
(Ray's hologram appears, showing a rather sake-indulging researcher in a red coat, standing in a white room with two questionable devices behind...
*Starting Hologram Advertisement:* [IMG] Hello, and Welcome to the Nuclear Amalgamation Weapons Purchase Facility! Main NA page here:...
Hello, it appears that my application has gone 3 days without any replies, could you check on it? Thanks a lot.