Separate names with a comma.
I woke up this morning, ‘twas strange I did not see My lovely mate, my Kathrin, sleeping beside me I lay there for a moment, in order to find...
Well, time for me to change my armor.. AGAIN! Either that, or infiltrate the Disphots' base. Skarti tried to run away from me when I walked up to...
Well. This is a rather... interesting thread. I thought I may as well introduce myself. I am Xenos. Also known as Prince Eclipse on Steam. As a...
Perhaps it's a mixed game? A bit o' fantasy, and a bit o' sci-fi?
Well... Yes and no.
I think Teamspeak and Skype are great ideas. For me, they really help get rid of in-chat OOC questions and such, thus helping de-clutter the chat.
Sounds... Interesting. I shall make sure to visit sometime... I wonder if you can cater to people with a body temperature of.... a star?
Having internet issues
I believe the title of the thread says it all. It's basically a crossover between fantasy elements and Sci-fi elements. Any fantasy elements that...
((as Blade, Tideborn's sister)) So. Here we are... the hunter, the prey... and the idiotic, cowardly bystanders. No matter. Tide and I would be...
This.... is getting rather interesting... Although, I agree with Tacc. Stop feeding your craven tendencies, O ye moral degenerates... Before the...
Writing Haiku.
Being a poet and writer, I figured I may as well set up a thread to post my works. I shall post them here as they are completed, and I try (and...
Aiko. I will not bow before you. However, I will shake your hand, hand you a gun, and see what happens next. Knowing you, there's no telling what...
My characters on Starbound are still somewhat in the prototype stage... But for Tideborn, I think, for now at least, Battle-Born, by Five Finger...
Listening to the Starbound soundtrack. It's so beautiful. So very beautiful.