Separate names with a comma.
Hrmph. I, too, am seeking that special somebody. Although I often wonder why, with my rock-star good looks, I'm not covered in men. Oh well. Just...
I can make candy for ya. As for milk, I'll see if I can procure some for you. I'll also give you any spare seeds and recipes I get. ~Blade's Edge
This... I don't know what to say. My words fail me in this sadness that I feel. I look on the forums and see this... And find that a dear friend...
Hey, Bro. You need to lighten up. You still got me, right? Oh, no you don't. Because you tried to kill me. Twice. Oh well. You still need to calm...
Hrmph. So I finally know what happened to break Aiko. Damn that Firedrinker. If I see him, I'll have to....... give him a stern talking-to. Ask...
(I'm not sure whether to be disturbed by the talk, or amused, or excited... Typical me.)
(It is... but I still give rough approximations of the items in given amounts. I give actual copper ingots for requested ones, real diamonds, etc....
((I literally sat here for two hours dredging up all the materials...)
Sorry, kid, but I beat you to the punch with the copper, diamonds, toroidal pieces, and nanoprocessors. The rest of 'em, though, are all yours....
Heh. Luckily for you, I've found some nanoprocessors. I also managed to... appropriate those Toroidal-Shaped Rubium-Copper pieces that you...
(would Molten Cores work for the 20 Toroidal rubium-copper pieces? (And would Processors work for the nanoprocessors?)
Why does everyone try to fight my logic when there is none to be fought?
(is this IC copper and diamonds? Because some of the things up there, as far as I know, are not actual in game items)
Alright. I'm working on getting the materials now. I'll send you a private message over Starnet when I get the materials, and attempt to arrange...
I could probably get you the copper and diamonds. The only question is: Do you need the ores or the refined forms? Because if you need the listed...
69 messages. I think I'll keep it that way, for now.
yup. That sums me up pretty much entirely. XD
So... does the Spawnable Items pack count as a creative mod? I don't use it anymore, but I was just wondering.
Well, might as well pop my own pic onto here. Forgive the quality. It's not a professional one, just a selfie from my webcam. which I just took....
Ah. A musician, eh? That's always good to hear. It seems that this community is full of people who are of the... creative persuasion. I don't...