Separate names with a comma.
As many know our server follows its own lore that spun off Chucklefish's lore from way back in the day. The server has since then created its own...
With Angre now having stepped down from his position as Head Administrator, I have been promoted in his stead. I've been the Head Administrator...
[ATTACH] Smoke's Stop is a business run by me, Smokestack. The primary focus of my shop is the advancement of future tech projects, the repair of...
As most of you may know, the staff and our Lore team have been working hard on the completion of racial lore and technology lore. We've reached...
Age 38 5'11", he looks like he's still in the prime of his life despite his feathers being seriously disheveled. He looks highly unkempt, letting...
I felt like trying neat things with my tablet and decided why the hell not. Smokestack [IMG] Goon Kuval [IMG] I'll get better eventually.
The following are scribbled on scrap paper that can be found scattered about Smoke's ship. For ease of reading, they're in chronological order...
After the poll about a week ago, the majority ruled to switch over to Discord. It may be sad for those who did not vote for Discord, but the...
As many of you probably know, the chatbox is proving to be a great strain on the forums. Repeated and frequent use of it with a large amount of...
PROJECT 1 Entry for Antares Council Space: Heat Cannon or 'The Heater' Objective: Combustion of ammunition, disabling of lethal weaponry made of...
Well it's exactly like what the title says. What things did your characters believe in that could be deemed outlandish or crazy? Or what things...
Now, it's come to my attention that there's a growing issue of players not following Antares procedure. The reason we do things a certain way is...
The other 2 threads are dead and gone so it's about time that things got rebooted. And seeing as how I feel no shame, I took it upon myself to...
Hey there my friends and pallies on Antares! I'm here representing staff as ol' Smokey with an offer for artists. An offer to help the community!...
Starting off, I'm Smokestack who plays as, well, Smokestack. I'm a roleplayer having always played a character different from myself since I was a...
>>LOGGING ON<< WELCOME! User: Smokestack Password: **************** Login Successful! >Boot-up >Access financial records >Password: *******...
< A post, upon opening, would crackle to life showing a video. The video would be difficult to close despite numerous attempts at pressing X and...
((This is a fresh hand-written journal that can be found in Smokestack's room in the Freezer under his bed)) I never thought that there'd come a...
<A video appears before your screen of a slick dressed avian pacing as he gives the following advertisement> [ATTACH] Been gone from you...
So I told myself I'd be back around the coming of this new patch. I don't know if I can commit seeing as how I've basically sold my soul to...