Separate names with a comma.
floran wins again stupids hand -Grass-Chopper
what -Grass-Chopper
fuk u -Grass-Chopper
you stupids pepols i win first ok -Grass-Chopper
bunnies are stupids -Grass-Chopper
you stupidsss floran is best winer stop it u cant win floran is bestestest stap -Grass-Chopper
what gay dance -Grass-Chopper
wercrwaoperawepirawpfoadiwropacfkdfpckweopfci -Grass-Chopper
stop wining u guise -Grass-Chopper
asdf -Grass-Chopper
no -Grass-Chopper
nooooo -Grass-Chopper
floran think game go lik this type post if u r last post u r winer floran win now bcuse floran last post yaaaaay u guys sux -Grass-Chopper
.. you have to admit, it is pretty small. -Tsifira
.. actually. one of us is. -Tsifira
We're not goin back to that fuckin place after seeing - and smelling - everything we did. -Tsifira
The blade of the chainsaw, now glowing a white hot, was laid upon the dirty man’s right shoulder, slicing and burning into the first few layers of...
-Forgotten- ((Gonna split the document in half because of size.)) ((Purple = Cultist)) ((Gray = the captive)) The feed of the video starts off...