Separate names with a comma.
//Post read// //Calculating response . . .// //Response posted// I see. This information will be best stored within my internal systems. I...
//Connection Successful// //Posting Message// I have been set into an inactive state for about 6 or so months, and my last recording was being...
================================================================================== //////// Loading . . . //////// Loading . . . ////////...
Hello, my name is Sam. I am a sentient medical droid with vast knowledge of medical procedures. I carry many tools to work with a variety of...
Entry 03: Well, Felith got injured. AGAIN. What, is this the fourth or fifth time I've seen him injured in the span of two weeks? I feel bad for...
Entry 02: So I finished my training today, though it wasn't as pleasant as I'd hoped. In truth, I shouldn't have hoped it'd be pleasant at all....
Entry 01: So it's been.. erm.. what, two weeks since I arrived at Marathon? Maybe it was more than that.. I sort of lost track of time. The cycle...
-Haystacker- well gee, i dunno, that seems a little extreme. I mean they're just living amongst themselves as far as I know, so I don't really...
-Haystacker- So like are they at war or something?
-Haystacker- So, like, I've been going around the place recently and I've come across a couple of Agaran.. er. 'Societies' in random planets. Of...
6/3 I've learned quite a lot of things from these people. Who they are. What they're affiliated with. What connections they have amongst others...
I can hear everything. They don't even know. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I speak. But they don't suspect a thing. My transceiver is still...
-Haystacker- Audio-to-Text "Tell me how it goes if you live! Krraw!"
-Haystacker- Audio-to-Text "Oh! ... well duh, I -kraw-- knew that. Okay, so if no one's in there, try picking out a bunch of those wheat plants...
-Haystacker- Audio-to-Text "Two of them, then! That's - Kraaw, good! Okay, so dealing with this shouldn't be too difficult.. at least, as long...
-Haystacker- Audio-to-Text "It looks fairly small.. how many bandits did you say were there? I saw you killed two, but -Kraaw, it's good to know...
-Haystacker- Audio-to-Text "Ah, alright, yeah, that's going to be a problem. Erm.. by any chance, do you know what the -name- of your planet is?...
-Haystacker- Audio-to-Text "Krraw.. that's very unfortunate. I'll - hrm. Okay, here's what I need you to do. If you are still paying attention...
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-Sam- The following message is a long string of binary coding that, when translated into English, reveals the following message; Hello! I am...