Separate names with a comma.
It has taught me that destiny is false. Predictions are false. Your future is crafted by yourself. Not by your 'fate'. I had once thought I'd be...
It takes a special kind of glitch to fuck up Custom Ship Mod this badly.
On the next three pages after the next entry, three pictures are drawn, just as crudely as they were before. The first resembles some sort of...
u got baned
April seventh; Many things have happened recently - some have grown overwhelming and others have been bliss like I've never experienced. Just a...
i tuch ur fases
Entry 05: "So much stuff has happened since the last entry. I'm not even going to say I'm trying to keep up with them - honestly it's much more...
This page consists mostly of crudely-drawn images that appeared to have been written with a piece of coal. Unfortunately the creature who writes...
Allergies suck.
*asdf pecked*
Mysteries are interesting. This is interesting. -Cairn
josh why do you do this[IMG] JOSHUA PLS
This is great. Now I can just bookmark all the planets I usually go to. Sweet.
I had my fun with him. His kind are squishy. -Cairn
you will learn in due time
but then what will happen to the dionaea tribe!?
kaz pls i do not need dis my man has 2 jobs 2
pst trust no one not even ziggy i herd he's got tricks up his sleeves dat sneaky little boob I'm joking, we're all friends here. Welcome to...
Survival is key. -Cairn
The log appears to have been damaged from both water and time. The pages are somewhat weak and it appears that the ink that was used to write had...