Separate names with a comma.
This is entertaining. I adore seeing discussions about my own kin. -Cairn
i code html
Can anyone tell me what the fuck I'm looking at? Isn't Cthulhu just some myth? Also that's that creature supposed to be? -0rion
The live broadcast would suddenly return into a fit of static upon the camera view being switched. For several seconds it flashes its usual...
The broadcast begins with a long drag of static that lasts for nearly a full minute, undisturbed. Anyone with the ability to view the streamed...
PC Name: 'Alpha' Date of Birth: Unknown Date of Death: ?/?/2415 Race/Species: Unknown - Referred to as a 'Demon'. Gender: Possibly identified as...
There is a picture of what appears to be a baked good set in the middle of a platter on one page, then an angry-looking bird in the next. The...
Draw Nibbles! He's basically Floran Link. 8D
i bet its a crop top
If there was a point in life in which you could return to in order to change the outcome of a situation, what would you attempt to change and why...
A drawing of a bottle of wine borders the page next to the next entry. Below the bottle is the word 'POISON.' Many things happened last night. I...
I became aware of this when I posted it - all I would need to do is erase some black lines but I'M TOO LAZY FOR THAT but srsly tho i might fix it...
[IMG] the things i do for you people god
so i drew cairn because i was bored in philosophy class and touched it up with 10/10 1337 sk1llz photoshop master changer pls no hurt [IMG]
Date: 4/11/2415 I never thought I'd be writing a journal, I honestly thought that stuff was only for girls. I learned just recently that it...
A drawing of a cave is drawn over a clean page. Unlike the other drawings, this one seems more.. intricate. More well done. More detailed. Under...
More black stains can be seen on the pages past the previous entry. ..... .... ..... I've wounded myself. .... I don't know why. I just did....
Several pages after the last written page has been ripped out, torn in halves or furiously scribbles upon. The scribbles cover something that...
But Josh's hair is too majestic to change! -Kidei