Separate names with a comma.
If you guys are interested in the Monastery, just catch me online at some point and I can get you registered at the teleporter behind the gate so...
[ATTACH] This message is meant to be received by fellow Hylotl... I am Luutachi, a humble monk who resides in a now empty Monastery. I am...
When the situation abruptly escalates. [MEDIA]
When two character's backgrounds and personalities just aren't able to click in an exchange of words... [MEDIA]
Apologies for any walls of text that I cause. Whoops.
OoC Notice: The following thread is Eria's research of the Tentacultist Parasite. This was made to give a general understanding of how they worked...
I would recommend that, confirm actual characters, then go from there.
You could always [Spoiler]
That's one of my personal favorites. Thomas the dank makes even the darkest of times glorious.
Two members if you include myself. Long live the School Girl Overlord.
Requesting Floran in Dogz costume pl0x
My cat is better than yours.
Well to compensate for the server wipe, there is a lore that goes along with it. Tentacles similar to the ones of Earth took over the frontier and...
Well, admitting defeat and complex rp are two different issues. I personally enjoy the melee fights in earnest since nothing beats two guys duking...
I am actually genuinely interested in this. Always wanted to do a mad, blind faith cultist, but never got around to it. Could I message you about...
The pen shall be mightier than the sword in more than one sense. Full strength journalists, GOOOOO!
That's a generous amount of time. If that were to ever be rp'd out in a speech or something I guarantee it would take only a few seconds before...
Don't worry, Novbama, one of the Council's Novakid Advisers, plans on banning guns for all civilians in the Council Space.
>>Power: ON >>Accessing Audio Logs. >>... >>Access Granted. >>Welcome, Eria. "Eria, let's go ahead and re-evaluate why we bothered to even pay...