Separate names with a comma.
No-one has issues with a Novakid with a brand hidden below the surface, the issue is with Novakids with literally no brand or a face instead of...
ILC did this to me. You should remove it and see if you're still getting the issue before doing anything else.
That'd be nice, if possible I would be behind this. Though ILC gives you easy access to the suits, so if not just get that.
I'd be like 'neat I hope we win the resource war against it' because it'll already be happening by that point.
I barely even know what the Arc is, let alone what it does. I expect it'll just be some weird shit mentioned a bit IC if even mentioned at all and...
Atlas Shrugged is about
I'll accept this logic, it works perfectly fine.
Exactly my point. Just because you can do it doesn't mean it is acceptable.
It's called a 'brand' and it really should be necessary as I'm fairly certain it is what binds a novakid together. I think anyone who wants to...
This sounds like powergaming what the shit As is the case with pretty much anything that isn't just character-to-character interaction (excluding...
One time Greg rigging his ship teleporter to teleport his whole ship from a planet it was stranded on to orbit another planet. It didn't go too...
People should take this into account when building colonies so people can RP robbing them. Of course they'd need permission to do so and there'd...
I didn't think I cared about this movie. I was wrong.
:oops: Senpai noticed me.
Narf is a QT
I take offense to that. Hi.
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin some b-ball outside of the school, most likely.
Redemption. -Greg
I'd be inclined to agree with getting npcs (seen or unseen) to do menial tasks people won't rp, but only if they're not important tasks. For...