Separate names with a comma.
'it sstill fitss shut up'
As you guys already know, the server's at a low right now. I'm not going to write here complaining to you about all of the things that are wrong...
Gotcha. It is a little hard to describe intentions through text like this, but I'll tell you straight-up that I'm not doing this to create a war...
Description: A Floran past his prime begins to experience a strange genetic anomaly. He grows to literally crippling heights. Just like certain...
Full Name: Lo'tac Tialhui Age: 21 Desired Profession: Custodian Education: High school Skills/Abilities: Good with a mop Reason for Joining...
Vine-stabber but actually not a stick figure this time though
(Example of Vine-stabber smile vs. Vine-eater smile)
Day 2 of Exile: Still exiled. Just for you, man! It never ends.
...Well, I didn't get un-exiled. Vine-stabber's gone for good, it seems. Let's just enjoy this image
So... Does this mean I'm un-exiled..?
[IMG] Note to self - Hamburgers are not enough to convince humans to take you out of exile
The first RP I was in as Vine-stabber, in all its glory. And then Kralion asked me to draw a Floran trying to...