Separate names with a comma.
To be honest, I do not normally like or watch musicals, but 'the phantom of the opera' is amazing. [media]
Seriously, I am all up for making a slave character too.
*easily traced to Tartanus 28 11 alpha Lyncis Minoris IV*
ENTRY FIVE Rats. Rats everywhere. Damn them all! They breed and now there are more than ever, I can hear them talking, conspiring to kill me. Of...
ENTRY FOUR Judging by my previous entries I guess maybe there is a chance that a lot of people might not hate me or maybe even some that will...
ENTRY THREE I made this entire entry dedicated to Sam *In large writing below he has used a lot of space in writing the following:* THANK YOU SAM....
ENTRY TWO I think I should have mentioned more but I did not have the time to because another space-rat (thats what im now calling them) chewed...
((The diary is only accessible to those who can hack into Big-Mech or steal his diary from his life-support or when he takes it out of his...
((IronTide)) Ouch... You can tell everything is going to hell when the universe prefers brutally murdering and torturing people rather than...
((Big-Mech)) Geez, I only use explosives for asteroid mining, the last time I tried a mere satchel charge in my mine in Stark my whole mine...
((Big-Mech)) Oh, okay that should be fine, I wont. Thanks for the advice.
((Big-Mech)) Mining, research, ships, mining ships, mining equipment, mining explosives and using the bio-weapons to kill off the space-rat-things...
((Big-Mech)) Big-Mech not know much of the isotope stuffs, just read 'The Ministry of Scientific Progression' instruction manuals for dummys. To...
((Big-Mech)) I can see why you would be, though this idea of joining a corporation sounds good I guess, yet I fear that such research could be...
((Big-Mech)) If possible that would be both highly appreciated and well payed for.
For engineering and various other reasons I require the following: - x20 Plutonium - x20 Uranium (Or a reasonable amount of radioactive...
My jaw dropped the moment I scrolled to the ship.... Good god.
A new city shall rise from the ashes. (once the wipes stop going crazy!)
Odd question, but is there a way that we could set the default chat when you first spawn to world chat rather than universe chat? I know it sounds...
err....whitelist window expired?