Separate names with a comma.
Blades bunker-place-thing wiped, I dont know for sure when but I am here on it right now 23:24 GMT
((I kinda like how its like another Carolli corp, it would be rather fun seeing stuff get competitive with business rivalry ))
((Big-Mech)) Thanks so much! This 10/10 is the most useful and effective torture guide I have read! definitely recommended.
Well... The entertainment on StarNet just got a hell of a lot better! - Big-Mech
ENTRY NINE Oh I seriously out did myself this time! Right, I will try to be clear, I am so happy that I may rush but here is the just of the...
ENTRY EIGHT Hmm. If this ship does go to hell or I choose to abandon it like the many others that have... I probably want something to remember it...
Wait.. I /have/ to do this. Daedalea Quecina's (the crazy Agaran) theme. [media]
Mortimers theme, I think this suits him pretty well. [media] IronTides theme, its a remixed song from Portal 2, I love that game so much. [media]...
ENTRY SEVEN AND A HALF Hay look! Ive found a dieting book in a cupboard in the kitchen on my ship. Ashlyns gonna love this! (Sarcasm by the way)...
ENTRY SEVEN Oh, forget the stupid rats, it seems I have an even bigger issue. Right, so I meet some person called Ashlyn, oh ho ho... god she was...
((Big-Mech)) So you are a dog?
((Big-Mech)) Can I buy a dog?
((Big-Mech)) So the dogs are the weapons?
((Big-Mech)) So... They sit on top of a flying dog with some sort of weapon?
What it says on the tin! *points to the words "techno_spider under the profile picture"* EDIT: For RP reasons its some times big-mech
((Big-Mech)) What type of person fights dogs?!
((Big-Mech)) I truly am sorry that you got into such a horrible situation.... But where can I but these robo-spider-machine-gun things?
ENTRY SIX Theres been a change of sorts, an incident in a bar, I don't even know the name of the bar... but yet it seems important to note. Its...