Separate names with a comma.
Hylotl (You'll probably understand that reference)
[spoiler] *The image is posted by AhLYENs'ya using the account of "Mortimer" She is using a highly reflective wall in order to take a picture of...
Sure, if I can make it for the time designated, I'd happily participate.
Hmph. I had an Agaran friend once... There like Florans, some can be assholes but there are still some that are nice. Does there race alone make...
God... This is so heartless... I would purchase but I would not want to know my investment is going into something to murder the Agarans. You...
Oh god that one cracked me up! 10/10 for that joke. - IronTide
... Can I have your metaphorical autograph? - IronTide
A Floran walks into the bar. later on, he crawls out covered in blood with 24% of his body missing, he then chokes to death on his on blood. I was...
Intimidation? Always useful? Was that a question? (I think it was rhetorical ;)) -IronTide (Just kidding! -Larry)
((Larry influencing IronTide)) Evil cult? They make good movies. Movies? Films! I want to make a documentary, does it include vivisection and...
Ever considered dying is part of the fun? geez. - IronTide
Giving characters a starting amount of money would be a good idea but some characters already have a IC reason to have more than average and some...
[media] Gothic 3 is in my opinion the greatest game ever made of all time! Translation of lyrics: " The Nameless will free you from slavery. The...
Sound pretty cool, (I may have been trying to figure out a way to kill off Trixy, close enough!)