Separate names with a comma.
Maybe you could put the ear a bit lower, so that it lines up with the eye?
(( Please check the date of the last post on a thread, before commenting on it. I've seen you resurrect multiple threads which are quite outdated. ))
(( Please don't flood threads with multiple posts. All of these could have been written in one post, so please do so in the future. ))
((Not really. It's 1 AM here, and I'm about to go to bed.))
(( Sure thing. ))
((Well, I'm available today from about 20:00 to 23:00 GMT.)) (( You can see that in the name of the planet. It's in Alpha. ))
Not only is your art really good, I also love the idea of having your characters make recordings, or selfies, and drawing them that way! It gives...
I personally love the looks of that glitch most! It's such a cartoony style!
(( Whoa, what? Why? Hate to bring it to you, but I'm going to break it down. You shouldn't just build a building that large when you know there's...
Sure. =Maathorneferure=
(( Yes. The firewall is down, so anyone who can send things back to a radio frequency can talk to her. ))
*For a moment, the broadcast goes silent again. Not much later, Sarah's voice returns.* "Where am I? I don't know where I am. Do you know where I...
*There's no hacking needed, now that the firewall is turned off. Meanwhile, Sarah was having a conversation with herself about what she should do....
*The following coordinates can be found.* [IMG]
*It's not easy at first, but as the hacker does his thing, he might notice the firewall he's hacking is quite old. Once he finds out about this,...
Is there enough space to add multiple layers of data-transmitting cables? ~Lisa~
I might be thinking of joining you. Could you please provide me with a time and date, when you meet at Stark? -~L154~-
This one's for Gilleen: [media] And this one's for Maathorneferure: [media]
If you use a yarn spinner, a heart forge, or a toymakers table in a public place, please remove it afterwards. Not only is it bad for immersion...