Separate names with a comma.
But it isn't done yet! Need finish building it first. Dont want to give off a unfinished impression.
Items delivered at'em given coords. Come 'gain ter Clem & Co. fer all yer tradin' needs! ~ Clem
Avali outweighs the other species. In uniqueness, alongside the difficulty of spriting. So I dont think its them, and the missings sockets on...
I'm making a frontier styled town inspired by the late Western architecture with a mix of the more modern technology available in Starbound....
Sure thing pardner. Be reader ter accept'em soon. ~ Clem
T'is quite costly fer'em lot. About nine hundred'n eighty would do, plus one hundred'n fifty fer'em delivery costs. So tha'll mark y'up ter one...
Yer in'em luck! Clem 'ere jus' got'em last o'em bits y'need. Bu' there's been them slight problem. Y'need ter make them train from'em parts m'got....
M'can deliver some bits terday, just make sure yer got'em money ready. Got'em spools, coffee'n turkey and them petrolium. Rest is gon'er take'em...
Never mind, found someone who could do it. :D
But you need this one Fenics!
Is there any mod out there or way to break the unbreakable ship teleporter? While maintaining the vanilla ships.
Got a suggestion too. Is it possible to make a new program of SBSE to recolour weapons from the .JSON file that Starcheat can export? Then...
The application should be a way to determine who the person is and if they understand the rules. To test their ability in RP combat, you could put...
Yes. Add a new channel in advanced, select the colour you want to change with the left selection, then with the right selection you apply a new...
I got it too, think it's being handled now. Saw Rez online.
Nevermind, discovered said questions myself.
The basic recolouring of the Novakid isn't working as intended. When trying to apply a custom it only colours 50% of the Novakid. Else I'm doing...
Which crafting table holds all the furniture? And does the spinning wheel also hold building materials?
Hi folks. My name's Clem and I'm new around these parts. Hoping to have a good time and make some friends in the process! See you all in-game!