Separate names with a comma.
Your order has been received. Expect delivery either today or tomorrow. [email protected]
Boris has finished creating requested orders. Stone's order is delivered, other delivery is awaiting pick-up. [email protected]
Full package deal, including CO2 tank refill machine is 1500. Will include 500 extra paintballs for a total of 1000 (500 each colour). Any wishes...
Is reliable. Does not blow up on face. However, they do need proper maintenence once every two months. Boris will not be responsible for poor...
Boris would like to thank kind customer for writing a review. Hopefully others will come and buy arms from Boris. It is now also possible to let...
How about you do not have parts and parts and parts, instead offer finished products. Yes? All you do is rude and be rude. You do not like...
Boris requests removal of this offensive app, is discrimination. Else Boris will remove himself and replace with Banana Monkey Punch arcade game....
Boris has 8 CO2 Tanks and can make you 250 x 2 in two different colours. Needs day to make. If you want. Boris can deliver also paintball rifles,...
There has been an update. Please wait until Admins have updated the server.
Today I have met a character who says he is something just like this. Only a A.I. in a shiny suit. Named Cerulean. Is not anything like a Glitch.
Boris will provide guns tomorrow, or today. Depending on buyer being here. Buyers have money ready when purchasing, do not try to rip Boris off....
<Feed Sending.......... Done> <Display Feed @ 6 aHz..... Done> <Decoding succesfull, displaying contents> Greetings! I am, Boris. Technician and...
Is it possible to get a plot of land to construct a home there yourself in the architecture that is required to fit the design of Kerokero...
Oi, wasn't in Greenwood Falls. Them hub outpost, with them fancy gate. ~ Clem Mayor of Greenwood Falls
Alright, no rush Phaze. IRL > Everything else. As always!
Sure thing Jaz, hit me up anytime to get a free teleport to the place so you can come and check it out.
Folks, This Ciber woman named Sally tried ter kidnap me jus' now. Left 'er sorry ass cuffed ter them chair in'em outpost if anyone wants them...
Rejoice! Starcheat 0.19.1 got released. And the problem is gone.
I'd be happy to come build stuff for you folks. If you'd like. Make a Hylotl too, maybe. Unless you accept a Glitch stranger.
Go for a random Japanese or Chinese name generator.