Separate names with a comma.
Hey, I hope some of the old folks still play here. ;)
Howdy, Spark here. I'm offering my cargo shipping services. It doesn't matter what ,where or who. If you pay fairly well, I can do it. I also...
Floransss sssssuckssss.
Great to see new people joining in for the mass murd... I mean mass fun... Yeah... Fuuun...
Great. Just logging in now...
Welcome! Your countdown to get captured/eaten/killed/slaved has begun. Dont look at me.
Awww... Are there any actually not abandoned hot-hotspots to start on?
Well, time is flying by when you're NOT having fun, cause college is so great. I'm finally back (after an exact year aniversary of first joining...
White'n nerdy.
-FiddleBeak- Great. I'll contact you the moment I'm finished with this job.
-FiddleBeak- I decided that a big cargo ship like mine need a security guard. I made all necesary preparation, set up camera system, turrets and...
-Fiddle-Beak Try to ask Hepu. He might know something about the owner.
-Fiddle-Beak 10 of each, and one tank. No questions asked, please.
I'm still alive guys....
Contact me whnever you want.
No need to worry, I don't sell illegal goods. Just contact me whenever you want.
Meet me up, I'll buy everything.
Does 5k voxel sounds ok?
I'm still up. If anyone got some interesting items, weapons, I'll buy them with pleasure. I'm looking now for apes and humans guns.