Separate names with a comma.
Do as you feel like doing at any time! You have showed us colour drawings and monochrome drawings from time to time, so keep doing that!
I got good news, the [spoiler] was wrong, it got my Intel HD Graphic from the Laptop, rather than the NVidia, i checked the requirements myself...
I suggest you try to see what the server seeks (Like more spaces for illegal/legal stuff, places for food, places for materials, jobs, houses?)...
Nice, thanks for the info, i will still wait to see if they lower a bit the price, since i will not be able to play it anytime soon due to...
Any feedback from it? I would need to know how it works on low spec PCs, and about the controls, i do have a "plane stick" but it does not have...
Hell yeah, i keep playing with them as well, also i always order one for christmas, Star Wars if possible, i want to make a full scale battle...
I love science in general, and i also love buildings, since i was pretty young i started to play with LEGOs, that introduced me to the world of...
Toootally not like RO2, see the gameplay and you will see is like a good RO2, not a World of Gravity.
If any of you know and played Ragnarok on line, loving that game, and do not know this one, then i think i am going to make you grin. This game...
You do know that i am interesting in thi as well!
You dissapont me, where is the other gif you used like tons of times? Welcome Lindy! You will see there are no griefers problem here! (At least i...
Just saying, maybe, and just maybe, to attempt to make that lore firnedly. The novakid without brand, it is not a novakid without one, but a...
I would like a leg, please. :$
Whoa, you really draw like a boss, it really looks nice!
Is your age here? I found it on google by typing...
Yayh! Let's party together, I will make paella for you <3
Ryoku is starting his career as an architect by remodelling an ancient building, he was told to make it some kind of library and mosque, so he is...