Separate names with a comma.
Attacking the Miniknog is now a 'morally grey' thing to do? Ape above. Soon you 'pirates' are going to be doing particularly dastardly things,...
Bannersystem Login Username: Gatekeeper Password: *************************** Verifying credentials... Verifying identity of user... Verifying...
*An audio message is posted. A sound clip of a deep male voice laughing in a boisterous, hysterical manner for literally five minutes, ending out...
Don't expect to see me like.. Ever till September.
In my opinion Apex are a pretty dull archetype for a character without the existence of the Miniknog, so a part of me is really hoping this...
Ho Ly Hell -TopTierEngineer
Bannersystem Login Username: Sun Password:...
Within the confines of the disjointed engineer Cath Borin's ship rests the main server of his personal communications and computational system;...
Personal catering to my own tastes. This is something I don't hate. Though I'm pretty most of the things I'd say to post are a bannable offense...
I hate every single thing I'm seeing here. Every last bit of this thread almost makes me wish I never installed these prosthetic eyes....
-The Floran's voice would return in another message, much of it's energy gone.- "Massster come back. Massster sssound mad.. Wasss wear ssssscary...
-Attempts to triangulate the location of the transmission's origin would lead to one of many proxy satellites simply drifting in space running...
((Ebi is speaking on Cath's account right now, he had to leave for a reason Ebi doesn't know about and left the account up.)) "Name? How iss know...
"Ebi isss not read wordssss, isss lisssten to new massster while he make wordssss. Can't readsss. Robot ssslave help Ebi by tell wordsss! Massster...
"Essscape..? Ebi not underssstand. Isss leave masssster? ..Ebi not get it. Can't leave masssster. Isss dumb. Isss never allowed to leave....
"What isss mean not nicccce idea? What isss idea about? Issss work idea?" -TopTierEngineer