Separate names with a comma.
Does what it says on the tin. -Anonymous user. (Baron Zerrax)
*It appears an anonymous trader has posted an advertisement from somewhere in the Alpha sector, though the exact location is scrambled.*...
Apology accepted. -Barron Zerrax
I meant intelligent and peaceful terms and you know it, twisting my words to make yourself seem smarter helps no one. It's clear you're smart,...
Evolution already took it's course and yes, Floran took an offensive strategy and committed genocide on another race, I agree this isn't something...
Hello, hello to all of you, nice to see an active community again. I hope I get the pleasure of meeting you all in and out of the game.
Space X Ship <3
Despite the hostilities on this message thread. Sleep well in the sea of stars, fellow voyager. -Barron Zerrax.
A chilling sight to behold, I hope your spirit returns to the oceans sweet Hylotl. Sleep well. -Baron Zerrax.
So you're wanting to segregate an entire species from society and put them beneath restrictions that make it harder for them to develop socially...
Thank you! Perhaps we should talk in the future then. ;)
Hi, my name's Baron, pleased to meet you all. I doubt my character will be overly popular on the server for the right reasons, but I hope OOC we...