Separate names with a comma.
Hmm, you looking for other people to join back up?
Ya, so, I went to talk to Ernal last night, just tried to ask him something, I was tired, I couldn't think straight. . . he yelled at me. . . it....
June 14th, 2416 Conner. . . that's who he is, by the way. . . I'm not going to try to spell his last name but. . . I realized I never said it in...
Weeelllllllll well well look who it is. Welcome back!
June 12th, 2416 I-. . . I don't know how to describe this feeling. . . how to describe my life right now I. . . Somebody who I. . . who I've...
June Third, 2416 Oh no. . . I messed up. I need help. . . I was walking through the woods on that refugee camp again, trying to go the other way...
Cool, thanks!
June first, 2416 The past few days have been. . . interesting. . . I think I have finally begun accepting Ernal for who he is. . . but we’re...
I have it skel
Sounds cool, and that drawing helped visualize
This diary, if found, is in a locked chest in Caroline's home. The chest is tightly locked. The diary appears to be a small leather journal, with...
Interesting, we have attempted to construct portable versions of this sensor, which work. . . However, I realized while making this, it'd take...
Dear Leader of Ragnarok, I am Chris Marston, from the GCDC. I am messaging you to ask you about your planet. I have been informed that this...
Nice idea, also Soma is 2spoky5m3
Nice! Mind if I see?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] These look kinda cool I guess
Ya, whatever you want really, they should probably have at least one of each type though (like at least one pistol, one shotgun, one rifle, and...
I made it on a google thing (like it goes on google drive) so idk if this will work but I'll give the link in private convo I guess? Tell me if...
Ya, I've been to one too. They have a great set of blocks, landscape, and background for a wrecked city covered in sand. Now on a different but...
As I (am pretty sure I) said, I am waiting for that, that's the only thing holding me back from beginning right now