Separate names with a comma.
*Best invation methods ever created, by the best minds from Avos*
#009 *This time, the recording starts on a ship, exiting FTL. "...Vell. I got news zhat Solour got shot in zhe knee, and zhat he's getting a...
[IMG] ...And so, Taranis combusted into flames, and a Rift in space opened, killing everyone there, before spitting a second Skarti into our...
I like how this turned from metals to how Florans reproduce. But anyways, I give a point to Shadowstep in how Heavy / Light / "How gravity...
Day Eighty? I don't know how to start... Well... I will start with Slavery, that business that I always tried to avoid. One week ago -I think-,...
Favourite set of words: "Kyna Sy'lra". You don't want to know what it means.
*Completely not interrupting the conversation about sexyness of robots* Normal day at Union: [IMG] The effects of not reading the instructions...
#008 *Yet again, the recordings starts in a bed. "..." *Awkward turn in the bed, followed by a nervous, yet relieved voice. "...Cleaning...
#007 (Hue hue.) *The recording starts in another close space, like under blankets. "Hmph... After coming back to Union, I get greeted by a...
Welcome into this realm of mad sciences and banned supergods. :3
Just another normal day at Union...
*Picks a Cookie* Hmm, with extra-feathers. I'd approve if it was a Pie too. But anyways, welcome aboard! :3 *Happily nomns the cookie* *Chokes*...