Separate names with a comma.
Uh. I've never gotten to meet her, nor have a little chit-chat, but... It still hurts to know that a member of such a lovely comunity will never...
Hoy, it's good to be fairly back, after being corfirmed of NO internet till' September. It's going to be a very entertaining Summer. :D
[IMG] Looking around old pictures, found this waiting there. No context shall be given.
Holy-Dulley. No more Internetz till' the end of this week / Next weekend. Damnit internet service.
Shhhhhh. It's a seeeecret... A public secret, but a secret anyways. c:
Woo, another badge to my collection! First, the badges. Soon, the internet....
[IMG] Building Vegas was quite entertaining. Too bad that I couldn't keep the rainbow-Wood Stage. *Sadface*
Vegas on Antares is a thing now. Yeey!
[IMG] Those dramatic few seconds before the Server restarts...
I predict that someone will make Antares within Antares at some point. Antaresception...
[IMG] ...No-one ever noted the difference. ( Double the evilness. )
(( This information can only be obtained via Viccy herself, or if you're a smartypants, by slipping onto her ship's S.A.I.L; the one that keeps...
If I remember correctly, Kaz feeds of our votes... Vote more! We need him with more belly for the massive BBQ-Party for the end of the month!...
Building up a farm, I see. I could lend what I know with crops, and other not-so fancy stuff related to let edible things sprout out of the...
*Internally squeeking* Seems that the daily clicking's finally awarding us a fancy little medal to show off that we had nothing better to do! But...
(( Welp. There goes our Robocop-- Eh, Roboavian. RIP Felith *Insert here day when he was breeded inside a test tube* - *Insert here day when he...
(( ...So, no cyberbird fightin' yet? No metallic chicken meat for Vicci? :c ))
(( Although tis' pretty simple and more detail about this sheet could be usefull, that'll do. )) Prisoner 07032 - Phlox Race: Floran. Conviction:...