Separate names with a comma.
The usual slip of paper is stapled to the journal page, along with a photograph of the sky. "28/07/2417, Evening: First Aid. Patient Name: Fog....
Ship Databanks: Journeyman. Voice Logs/User/Razor Vines Log #838 Floran messssed up, but isss hopeful. Sssseeemsss Floran only doessss logsss...
Welcome to the show.
A small envelope is stapled to this page, inside is a small datachip. It's been quiet recently. Good. A nice kind of calm, a pleasant calm....
A series of paper slips are slotted in the journal, stapled neatly in place. In fact the entire journal has been neatened up, staples binding...
Geodude and Luvdisc
The usual slip of paper is inserted between the pages. "13/07/2417, Morning: Intermedullary Nailing of Right Femur. Patient Name: Hisakawa Kori....
Jason Grammaticus
The usual slip of paper is inserted between the pages. "10/07/2417, Morning: Excision of burnt tissue. Patient Name: La'Ne. Diagnosis: Electric...
The last few years of logs on the shuttle are scrambled, corrupted through time and years of being unused. Ship Databanks: Journeyman. Voice...
How much stabbing is enough stabbing.
The usual slip of paper is inserted between the pages. "06//07/2417, Morning: Surgical Stabilisation of Flail Chest and Setting of Fractured Ribs,...
Once again a piece of paper is slipped between the pages of the journal. "05/07/2416: Evening: Consultation? Bit of a mess to be honest. Patient...
Once more the Journal entry is accompanied by a slip of paper. The diary has been moved down to Kniferoot's home on Mud, slipped between an...
The Journal entry is accompanied by a series of stick figures in various poses, little arrows drawn on them. A small slip of paper is slipped...
Razor Vines, the old oathbound Floran warrior-queen. [MEDIA][ Jason 'Kniferoot' Grammaticus, Mud's very own Floran surgeon. [MEDIA] Edit: And...
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Jason 'Kniferoot' Grammaticus is a thin, lanky Floran. Standing at 5 feet 8 inches. His build hints at a sedentary lifestyle, lacking the muscle...
The journal entry is accompanied by a few rough half finished sketches. A the face of a Floran with a crest of broad leaves, half of her face a...
There are small scribbles in the corner of the page, as if it was used to test a new pen. Mud. That's the name of the world I've found myself on,...