Separate names with a comma.
Gee, it sure is convenient to dismiss whatever you don't agree with as flame-bait or a conspiracy, right? Come on, I know you're more reasonable...
Oh, don't worry. I actually don't give a shit if he's from Galaxy Whatever Some Random Server I've Never Heard Of, I'm just opposed to the...
I have never actually played on Galaxy Citizen and I don't care in the least if he has or not. The overly chipper and lovey-dovey attitude in...
It's okay if new players be a toxic douchebag to you though, as long as they pretend to be nice while doing so.
Making a Great First Impression Getting off to a Good Start It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when...
Literally any way. Pants-shittingly huge walls of text are not a good first impression. Anyway, welcome to the server.
sometimes i wish it were possible to dislike posts
Yeah, but what about the rest of us who spent an entire day working to create character art for him? I don't think I appreciate going through all...
Holy shit, that is not how you talk to a person that literally draws your character for free. You should probably fucking apologize. Not just to...
Suit yourself.
You are reinforcing my argument.
+ How hard is it to actually understand that randomization is a method of solving a problem and that if there was no problem, there would be no...
You're victim blaming. Don't do that. It is entirely better to enforce that people cannot do things than it is to enforce that people not be...
Sure thing. Commencing extermination of all human beings. Butler, get me... oh, wait.
The answer: it doesn't. People like that are not any different from griefers. They contribute nothing to RP and just screw it up for everyone...
So make behaviour like that against the rules. It's no different than disrupting roleplay on an OOC level. How is that hard?
No, the point is to win. That's why you use the dice roll system, to create a sense of fairness where two people have conflicting end goals....
I'll ask you a question: Could you have done the scene without rolling dice? No? Then there's some kind of conflict OOCly that's preventing you...
Death is a powerful plot focus when it comes to roleplay -- the reversal of such, or dealing with the problems of it -- and should be used...