Separate names with a comma.
Body slowly shutting down. Sick as a dog. Will write from Hell.
[Insert song lyrics that sound philosophical here]
In a truck flying off a ridge!
In other news, message me if you want to help me build a massive thing! Hurray for vaugeness!
Why aren't I on the status list yet?!
So I guess I missed a day. Whoops. Should set a reminder on my phone each jight. It's nothing major anyway. Not much really happened yesterday. I...
LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR GODDAMMIT. Voting is actually beneficial to the server! It's only a minute of your time, just do it!
Protip, You can never have too much swing jazz.
Datalog number two already! Look ar this, I'm on fire! Well today was already way better than the rest of the week. I got back to Rag and there...
Let the feels flow through you, child.
Sorry, I hit my head and got all WEIRD and SOUL SEARCHY.
[These logs can be found in both Bunnys ships databanks and on her phone. Neither are locked, but both are marked as untitled documents. Typos and...
Please don't forget to vote, people! It really does help the server!
Ah, just my usual burning out. I'll br back if I do take one.
Tiring of all this. Again. Might take a longer break.
-Continued from previous post... SECTION THREE: Dangers of the USER project. As you may have heard, the work with the USER project can be...
And now for something completely different... This piece is actually related to the previous one and the following one I'll be posting....
Killing your friends. Just floran things.
So, a while ago I said I would post some of my writing here. I haven't yet and I felt I should. So here's the thread, I'll be posting things here...