Separate names with a comma.
-sender encrypted- From: Taranis Communications Relay Thank you for choosing the Quesera Medical Institute to preform the reparations needed -...
Read up to refresh your goldfish-like memory or take my passing appreciation with grace - you god-damn rube! Too late.
sent from: [email protected] Esteemed - Waltzlotl22 - Sunsuhan Bada Incorporated is the premier industrial presence on Asani and...
Thanks skipi. :) I'm honestly surprised no-one bought up the idea of an otherkin faction yet. Let me be the first.
Shame on you for being so negative about what's obviously a great idea that merits reflection! "Amazon" archetypes have their place in any story,...
It's depressing how quickly some people attribute even the most innocent question to their own twisted, sick faith fantasies. As if heathen trash...
The problem is mainly that your posts (language, grammar, structure, detail) don't inspire a lot of confidence. Add that to the fact that your...
I didn't even know what they were, looking at this thread. Having read about them, I ask myself... what's the point...? :P I mean, apart form the...
I'm glad to see no double-standards exist on this server. After all, Atom coming to an unrelated thread with his non-problem to vent his IC rage...
You are stating lies and spreading misinformation. I deny nothing. The only mistake I made was to think you would handle this with a cool head and...
(If tl;dr jump the the end, under the line) *coughs softly* I think there's a slight over-reaction here, especially since some of the things you...
((Around or right after the first post...))
As I understand, the application simply serves to give a general assurance to the staff - I.e.: Your answers demonstrate your RP mentality and...
So wait, I'm confused... Is this a hateful hate thread about hate threads being hateful? If not, two cents: Your freedoms ends where another's...
Wow, thanks for this. :) Very, very cool - just makes me want to watch the Twin Peaks reboot even more. XD (Time can not pass fast enough.)
What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen african swallow...?
Just 2 cents. I'm just observing this from far, not having RP'd much with Felith (but a lot around him)... But if someone gave the above...
From: [email protected] The ultimate aggression - tarnishing the his murderer ultimately. May peace shine on him always, flowing...
(( I lol'd - no offense :) asexual races are a bitch to talk about aren't they?))
((Anyone getting a feeling like Ivy's vocabulary, grammar and general expression miraculously improved to this level overnight so she could blog...