Separate names with a comma.
If you were talking about me, you are dead wrong. I am not a Hylotl. Though to be honest as one of the most peaceful races I have ever met they...
Sure, beta tested on mostly Hylotl, some Avian, and maybe a couple humans. You have no clue of this guys medical history, did not tell him how...
Why? I don't dabble in untested drugs. I'm just advocating responsible science. -Lee
I would just like to speak out against this, because lets be honest if this was that easy to get of make you would either be able to just buy it...
If Faversae is reading this, please feel free to message me. I'd be glad to hear your story. -Lee Freelance Reporter
Cock-eyed means that he has one squinty eye. It is derived from the word cock with also means not straight, or askew; cock-eyed can also mean...
I just had wanted to know if this was able to be used.... it seems like players are using is but there is no mention if it was approved for use or...
Well that is incredibly boring. Were you a bully in school too, or were you the one who was picked on and are now perpetuating the sad cycle by...
My point exactly. You sound exceedingly young or naive and should be cautious about making this type of post as there are those how would try to...
Would you be interested in share your side of the story? I'd love to hear it. -Lee Journalist
Do you know him? Did you do anything that may have provoked him? Do you have any enemies who may have hired someone? Do you have names of any...
Rule #5, getting consent, and making sure things are OK OOC. Rule 5 and getting consent "Never initiate a hostile action, such as PvP, or the...
Ummm... I am just going to ask I guess, as I keep seeing mods pop up, but is there a way to flag mods as either being approved for server use or...
Remy is it? May I ask how old you are, and why you are seeking a boyfriend so badly. And before you ask, no, I am not a boyfriend, and most...
"Caucasian" refers to humans with light colored skin in a range of tints and shades, not really white, though there are those with a pigment...
Active vs Passive characters, and character networks Active Characters Characters that regularly interact with a variety of characters and are...
In fairness, to my knowledge there is no current crime as producing antimatter, in addition you only took what you made so that could hardly be...
What have you been charged with? -Lee
*with all the paper work about Ray tucked away neatly in a file cleverly labeled '"Death" Ray Beluga', Lee's desk once again begins to fill up...
I am looking at writing an article about Floran and whether or not they deserve the negative reputation that they have been given. If you have...