Separate names with a comma.
(This page doesn't have much written, mostly just a printed-out picture glued in place.) [IMG] Me,Waffles, and the Wayward Helpmeet...
(This is a loose piece of paper. It is obviously written in different handwriting from her own, and has been crumpled and smoothed out before...
(One corner of this page is crinkled and off-white in color, as though it's had something spilled on it. There's a drawing of a llama in the...
Everyone I know seems like they'd be much happier if I was less cynical, smiled more often, put up with their insults, didn't keep secrets, and...
Mierda, I am so confused right now. Jackton apologized for missing the wedding, and he's busy again today. Danien told me a lot of stuff and I...
Molested by sentient compost. It surprised the hell out of me. I thought it was some kind of jacked-up wildlife that'd gotten into the bar...
(There's a folded-up page discreetly wedged into the spine between the last page and the next. It seems to be haphazardly written.) Remy -> Arch...
Creeper came back to talk to Julian today. Nothing came of it-- AJ radioed me to let me know he was in the area, and I suited up and went to sit...
If you love something, set it free. If it returns, burrows into your ribs, devours your heart & becomes your new heart, it was meant to be.
Big and Andrei are getting married, which means it's probably time for me to invest in a better wardrobe. I radioed out for anyone who had some...
One thing I didn't mention, mostly because I wanted to wait until I had enough time to sit and write it all down the way it deserves. David's...
So, talking didn't go as badly as I thought. I made sure to go first, so I could sort of unload, I guess... I told him everything. Probably more...
Oh man, yeah. That'd be neat... Though mine all need to be touched up. ;_;
Do Aissa! :D [IMG] I figured I'd include this even though you know what she looks like and I took this screencap when you were standing right in...
Home is where the heart is. We found it one day in the sink. It hums things late at night, but they are not songs.
The Sineũfendo Look for pandas enthusiastically vomiting rainbows.
Don't go to late night/early morning galaxy chat. 'tis a silly place. [IMG]
(Aissa) omfg - a.
So, because of seemingly infinite concern for my mental well-being, I was tricked into going to a wedding. Because being around a bunch of happy,...