Separate names with a comma.
(Aissa) Oh boy. Someone pranking Skarti. That's certainly both a funny and original thing to do that nobody's thought of before and definitely...
(Aissa) I'm going to laugh my ass off when someone actually volunteers for this and gets jumped by a mob of black-market kidney thieves instead....
'Is okay, is me!' The chick who just tried to stab you to death! those milky eyes are not the eyes of someone who remembers things he got some...
(This page is written in bright blue ink that gives off the faint smell of cotton candy.) Hey. Not much Can't hear worth a damn, still, but...
Ding dong, the murderbot is dead. Or so it seems. It very nearly took Dre and Vecks with it, though... Dre was in the wrong place at the wrong...
(( [media])) Took the day off, rather than open the Cabaret for Gytha. I'm honestly not sure what bothers me more: being caught up in the...
I am better at causing injuries than I am at fixing them. I know this. I hung out in the bar for a little bit today while I waited to hear from...
I need to learn to quit while I'm ahead. Thanks, universe. I get it. Thinking I could relax a little was dumb, and I am a dumb dummy for thinking...
Hitting 1217 was a success. I'd almost forgotten about it, honestly... No reason to remember. Fortunately, the shifts in resources, changes in...
Contacted Lorem, to see if I could get ahold of the servers I need. He needs me to run an errand first... Something about the Amber Monolith, a...
I don't know who to believe, David or Julian. My agreement with David is certainly the more lucrative of the two, but I'm invested in keeping...
Leon's asleep, so I can't make too much noise... but there's so much I wanted to put down before I could forget. Leon, Vecks, and I went to the...
Friendspionage is Magic.
I hope Vecks wasn't a mistake. I hope he was telling the truth about only having shot one organic sentient. I hope I won't have to stop him from...
I can no longer tell anything to Remy. Remy's thoughts are no longer his own. I can no longer tell anything to Leon. Leon will attempt to tell...
(( [media])) Julian's alive. And unenslaved, which means I have someone's twelve million pixels that they're probably going to come looking for....
Fucking flypaper. Not the cheap kind, either. The scent-impregnated kind that's supposed to attract bugs, not just hold onto them. That is what I...
(( [media])) "Little solace comes to those who grieve when thoughts keep drifting as walls keep shifting and this great blue world of ours seems...