Separate names with a comma.
The only thing to fear is scorpions hiding in your shoes.
Kalodox Gamma V is going to EXPLODE When the system's biggest racing rivals go Head-to-Head It's booster-burning, metal-twisting action...
Are YOU ready to take your business to the next L-L-L-L-LEVEL? We're looking for savvy business owners to take part in an EX CLU SIVE...
right? it's almost like burner accounts exist or something - SquishyMcWhiskey
i saw a boppy today! [IMG] This was after I beamed down to kill some time while Vecks concluded a deal-- I packed some snacks and figured I'd...
"You two lovers?" I didn't answer. Looked at Vecks. Figured I'd let him set the pace-- were we public, or only an item to each other? I've never...
sounds like you're mostly going to be killing time - moonflurz22
styptic powder stik-wrap sterile water syringes(?) absorbent padding granola bars (chips optional) clean jars dental pick? check for old, clean...
I don't want to be Elfstar any more! I want to be Debbie!
Did I do something wrong? Needed to file some paperwork (I don't even remember what for, probably money-related. Isn't it always?). I was giving...
Man, it feels weird to start another journal. All those views. *sniff*
She's a human woman built rather like a short, slender violin (if violins dressed out of charity shop drop-off boxes). Her skin is pale from many...
Testing, testing... absdhdlfglhhgfghlht (>'.')> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ಠ_ಠ . . . . . . . Book's full, but it's nice to not have to...
Most people call it CalTor for short. :D
Incidentally, your name is making me want nachos. Alas, I have many hours before California Tortilla opens.
I donut really use Steam much. :/ I lost a crap-ton of my vision, and it's not v easy to read a lot of the time.
Aissa clicks on the ad in a desperate search for a little red X, a link that'll let her opt out, something, and produces a long string of...
Every day is exactly the same. Okay, that isn't fair-- most of them were, when I decided it was time to leave Liberty Mills for a little while....
And then there are these: (at least these all didn't succeed, though. But I mean jfc, a kickstarter to...
This kid isn't even talking about anarchy. They're talking about "rule by me and some of my friends. IT'S NOT A PHASE, MOM." Cute. - A.