Separate names with a comma.
Donate a dollar today to keep pelicans entertained so they neVER EVER YAWN AGAIN
No instruments show up at all. I've tried adding them in as a mod and directing the program to detect modded-in instruments, and I've tried...
Eis libenter epulamur qui nos domare velint.
The existence of prefixes doesn't make much sense if they are.
Right? It would make sense that they're able to interpret languages that rely on inflection. I know people get all "B-b-b-but no Chucklefish...
This video of a pair of tiny plastic men riding on a caterpillar is, perhaps, the greatest thing I've seen yet this week,
I've seen the changelog for the next version of SB Composer, but it doesn't give any estimates for the date of its completion. In the meantime,...
That's an interesting thought! I don't know if I would apply it to Glitch society at large, though. It depends on how much credence you want to...
Even without perceiving them as words (probably similarly to how people with vocal fry are often both unaware that they do it, and wouldn't know...
Yo, whoever Greyson is cracked me tf up.
Hahahahakillme Saw my old boss today, believe it or not. The Russian arms dealer, the one with the plushies. I was at Fernbrook, minding my own...
Gel-like sap, skin irritant. Produces localized redness, inflammation. Aqueous extract acts as a muscle relaxant. While the properties of both...
A super antioxidant, they say. Slow the signs of aging! Reverse the aging process! I've spent ages perfecting a means of harvesting resveratrol...
The doctor tells me he can help, but all he offers is the same as every other-- more creams. More injections. More acids designed to strip the...
In a light blue datapad with no identifying features (save for a few strange, crimson-and-purple flecks), there lies a series of entries secreted...
"I mean, the wine's good, don't get me wrong-- plus it's about the only place I know of to get good icewine-- but the employee turnover is......
Okay, so. I maybe don't have room to talk. Still, I'm scraped up from a perfectly reasonable fall off of a hoverbike and not because I thought...
I remember a similar conversation a long, long time ago about the Floran hiss-- whether it was a learned behavior, or a function of their anatomy....
Be the garbage-eating marsupial you want to see in the world.
Vecks turned up beat all to hell last night. Fortunately he'd literally signed up for it, so I didn't have to unpack The Knock and go... well,...