Separate names with a comma.
*retrieving starnet cloud storage* *download to PDA* *download complete* *commence new data input* ...has it really been that long since I made...
This is Chief Metalwood, of Consolida Tribe! It has come to my knowsledge that the tribe has non smart members. They not even know how to tell...
The Tribe is in need of special items. I noticed that a good few Floran has been confused ands kind of unknowings. I mean to fix that. I will...
I is not rebelling against my mom, stab-grass. She left the tribe, and put me in charge -Chief Metalwood
*initiating text-to-speech* Tribe membersss. It hasss been ssslightly tough for me, working outsss how the tribe iss in need. Itss been like I...
Well if you want be back in tribe, then I will welcome you. I not be silly like that. Just be good to tribe and loyal. Contribute where can....
I heard about you from mom. What she kick you from tribe for, Fern? -Chief Metalwood
This is a wondrous tribe. I love it all. But while I'm sure I could decide a future for us, I want your opinions! What do you want our great...
More Art! I erted him
Due to the way that Nurora, my mother, sees this sector that we have settled the tribe in, she has decided to leave our tribe. This does not...
Ill just leave this here
So, I'm immensely happy!! First time converting my traditional to digital. And it went so well! Anyone, if you have ideas or anything, share :D...
==Logged into Ship's Data Entry System== Why. Why is everyone trying to tell me who to be? I am who I fucking am. I love hunting. I love...
Dat fase...
Has no one heard Baths? [MEDIA] Loserssss
==Logged into Ship's Data Entry System== =accessing voice to text= I not...know how I get voice to text going ssso sssmoothly...maybe I knew in...
This is Mispi's most recent Theme. Like, within the last day, theme [MEDIA] can you tell I have a Band preference?? :3 [SPOILER]
Yup. I'm going to end up turning this into its own art thread! WOO! I'll continue on this little bit, by adding some Pickles to the mix. Damn...
A BRAND NEW PLACE WE NEVER KNEW~ sorry i'll stop now
HEYA LYRO! so since you drew two of mispi. I figure, I'll return the favor! I'm not sure if ill turn this into a full blown art thread, but I...