Separate names with a comma.
The Creative Mode mod, known for the Super Matter Manipulator, Super Bandages, and related items, is not to be used on the server. Why? 1) All...
Orange "apply" button up top.
Yes, I checked the asteroid field, and the earliest backup I can find which the base appears in is yesterday. Which is smaller than what currently...
Do not use the old creative mode or community vanity pack. It's as simple as that. RE: Corsairs: I've checked the backup logs and for whatever...
The following items have been regularly throwing errors in the server logs. Based on other information (player and world load events) I'm...
Attempted to roll back the crimson corsair thing to the time you listed; didn't actually do anything. Is it actively under construction? I can...
With a new month is a new voting period! Some new players have entered the arena; let's not let the competition get the best of us!
My my, aren't we the plucky one? Stop ruffling his feathers.
Found a 4MB file that seems stable for about a day. Surface of the planet is vanilla though so I'm not really sure.
I have a stable backup of Marathon and Taranis queued up for reupload. I don't have one for Freezer yet. can I get an estimated crash time?
Funnily enough, I pulled the exact same stunt in Y. Significantly easier when an "all-bird team" includes the version mascot and a speed-boost...
Hallo! Wie geht es dir?
[IMG] Muy bueno.
For anyone who recently registered (Say in the last 12 hours, give or take), we've discovered a small issue with our application handler that...
The server restarts every three hours to back up world data. This generally takes 8-12 minutes.
Hawke x Money Hawke x Hawke Hawke x Vaguely-Threatening Red Text Tacc (s) x Titanium (d) Sen Frog x Sen Frog x Sen Frog X Sen Frog x etc. Sen x...
Unfortunately, we've got no real guarantee whether or not colonies will continue to disappear. The best I can suggest at the moment is to play it...