Separate names with a comma.
Log 167 Text Log sometimes i wish i never existed
((dwayne)) u wot m8
Log 166 Text Log ohgodhesoutimgonnadiehesgonnakillmeagainimgonnadieagainimfdmhfjsdghjhJHSDFJGFSDJVGFNJSFEJHGT
[ATTACH] art trade with the amazing @Jay B) yes. that is mac and cheese and confetti and unicorns and a party hat
B) amazing art ayyy
ooo, i use SAI as well! <3 keep it up!
your art is rly nice!! what program do you use? :o
Log 165 Text Log what if he knows im alive im so scared
>>>User: douliftbro >>>... >>>make Log10.text - HELP - WHAT DO - MOZE IM >>>::extend session?::<<< >>>::no input detected, idle timeout::<<<...
Log 164 Text Log im useless why are they helping me
>>>User: douliftbro >>>... >>>make Log7.text - f@k im weak i think i fell in love again >>>:exit -- >>>User: douliftbro >>>... >>>make...
remy is irresistable.
oh shit. betty's -you-? yeesh, db.
yas i still take steam games <3
"...That's a person."
>>>User: douliftbro >>>... >>>make Log7.text - hired new staff - finally got a replacement janitor after jeremy died. #ripjerthejan + his name...
Log 163 Text Log...
Log 162 Text Log...
Log 161 Text Log someone in this universe thinks ballpeople are real the poor guy