Separate names with a comma.
I don't have a fear of heights, I simply dislike the idea of hitting an unmovable mass at speeds near terminal velocity.
Results of testing indicate this is a definitive no.
Turn that frown upside down. I'll play an expendable USIF character, if that's alright. Here's a rough draft: Dill Cooper, an aggressively...
Sign me up for what ever position needs filling. Available 9-12 in the evening on weekdays, most any time weekends but need some heads up so to...
Needs more scowl-age. Step up it bro. Tarl was a badass that didn't need a gun (or sword or hand-wavy science junk), he made some major plays and...
Your fashionista made my character feel self conscious about the way she dresses, shame on you :( But in all srsness, no complaints, keep up the...
This is Bella, she may look quite intelligent but... [ATTACH] ...she somehow manages to get herself stuck in the bathtub on a semi-regular basis....
Testing right now on my phone. So far it is working great. The new theme is very much appreciated!
It seems that many of us in the community have been having introspective discussions lately. No better time to have a discussion about Tetanus...
I am all for this system, this is basically how Tetanus operates as well. Although, I'd tweak the name a bit, something like "He Who Shoots Can...
I'm not a fan of using in game NPCs for anything more than decoration. They present some of the same issues as using the in game combat mechanics,...
We interrupt this broadbirdcast to bring you: Adventures of a handicapped Hylotl. This episode: ZERO. [ATTACH] It appears our hero won't be able...
Shirobon - Regain Control Yes, I do build playlists of character appropriate music to help me get in character. [media]
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you can do any color you want by replacing the named color with #RRGGBB where RR GG and BB are hex numbers...
[ATTACH] Whipped this up in a couple of minutes. Should be vanilla compatible, I just replaced the chat config file and the two images that make...
Tetanus Fields has wiped as of 1:15 AM
Philosophical Musing: If you update your status on the forums, and nobody is around to see it, does anyone think this joke is funny?
Spitfire Funny! Narcissistic Dimwit. Her unfounded self esteem leaves her flabbergasted when things never seem to turn out quite how she wants....
Channeling all of the nerdy energy from my days in college into this Hylotl.