Separate names with a comma.
Welcome, and beware space feministics
Go on... I can try.
Ok, please give me screen of your char
Ubludok, mat' tvou! A nu idi suda!!!
Well, I wanna try to make some requests. Best what I can do: -Avians; -Florans; -Nova (very hard); -Big dicks.
Tephetkan Aesura [ATTACH]
I want to say zdorova!
Don't know what to do with light [ATTACH]
I want to join. What I should to do this?
Where's Aiko?
Well, where's he? AIKO, I'M CALLING YOU!!! COME TO OUR WORLD!!!!!!!!11 oneone
Two french is good in good bed...
Welcome to palace of pleasure...
Welcome to the official avian-lover community. Ave Kluex, all hail him! Fire for florans, sacrifice altar for mammals!
Welcome to hell.
Nya! (^ω^)
Or I'm free in my paranoia?
Ok, what kind of information hacker can find in the MBR servers? Black gov deals, cleanup operations, social pressing?
Mercenaries recruitment board - in market threads, created by Aiko for Blaze. And I mean what goverment think about free body mods