Separate names with a comma.
Did someone you know die and you don't know what to do with the body? Did you successfully win battle, looted the corpses but don't know what to...
Radical Industries: 700 pixels a fortnight to stock the Spacebar with beverages.
Weaponising agaran spores sounds like a terrible idea, considering agarans are capable of buildings homes, using weapons, and agaran spores...
Added drinks menu
Says the one who chose herself to tear a criminal apart with her knives and teeth, in arena combat, and also helped her lover Max, torture...
Crashed ship salvaged from planet near Katune Three generators, penguin tank parts, and radar dish salvaged from Katune. Crashed ship from...
It's more fun to actually salvage things that you don't come up with yourself. And you can't be accused of asspulling that way. There will also be...
Located at X:54 Y:84 VII is Sundew Station. This station is currently home to the bar in the stars, The Spacebar. [IMG] Here at Sundew station...
Florans can command a table to grow larger to accommodate more guests. That kind of growth would only be useful if it occurred quickly.
I highly doubt the 2 pixel difference in height of a picture in a respawn animation is relevant. The two pictures are identical, one just has...
Or there is the possibility that Nuru is just a short floran, and florans require florans to be a certain age to be tribe leader because of the...
I'll be honest a Japanese style glitch colony is weird when there is already a race in the game based upon Japanese culture, and glitch are...
Those familiar with StarNet can apply to join here. Name: Race: Skills: