Separate names with a comma.
((Actually don't come it has the crashing problem.))
Come to Ssssssspacebar.
Ssspread, consssume, multiply.
Sure but other people have built stuff there. Someone told me they saw the yarn spinner and christmas table on the planet.
Considering other Starbound servers who would be less familiar with ILC do not seem to be suffering this problem and it spontaneously occurring...
Kazyyk needs to make an official announcement on the front page. ILC was banned quietly and i've encountered people using it because they had no...
''Hsss Floran would rather be cold than sssit by fire. '
Nope, use admin mode
I never said they were incredibly smart, i'm just saying it's not a race of retards.
They are based off of real life places, like ''New York'' which was named after ''York'' which is a City in England.
If you want to piss off florans, build a colony on a volcanic planet. There are snowy planets that don't require a nanosuit at eccentric class...
Florans aren't unintelligent. They are cruel and savage, with a very primitive level of technology, but that doesn't make them stupid. Their lack...
Who plays the Hivemind glitch named III that Stab-Dancer and Ser-John locked in a cell with the intention of making him free-minded by severing...
Well it's important to remember that there are many races with different ideas of what is normal and civilised behaviour
People don't have a problem with futuristic settlements, just don't make them huge and don't have them pop up overnight. Start off with a small...
Throw him out the airlock
Why make it asshole proof?
((I feel like this will just get rid of any need or requirement or factions to interact with each other or depend on each other. Each faction can...
Get out.
I'd recommend making an announcement saying that the ILC mod is banned. The rules were changed quietly and no highly visible announcement was...