Separate names with a comma.
[SPOILER] < Password Required . . . > < Password: '******'> < . . . > < Verified > -> Opening Investigation_Log.txt ------ Current Location:...
Thirsty? Hungry? Tired? Welcome to the Taproot Tavern! Located just across the bridge due West of the Town Hall in Fernbook, we've got everything...
<|KADE CO. TM|> . . . Extracting Intro.Txt . . . . . . Action Completed . . . . . . Opening . . . ------------------------------- < Howdy there...
NOTE: Understand that I'm making this thread to address the growing issue that pertains to the behavior of a majority of the staff, and that I...
Let me start this off by saying that I have the upmost respect for our staff, and the time they put in the make sure that we all have a good...
< Connecting . . . < Connection Established < Browsing . . . < Opening homepage . . . Welcome to Pew Mart! Your one and only...
< Advertisement received . . . < Open Y/N ? < Opening . . . < Displaying Holo-Pamphlet to nearest emitter . . . ~ Down on your luck? ~ ~...
< Connecting . . . < Connection Established . . . Hello Antares. In an effort to provide a home to those who lost theirs after the fall of...
< . . . Opening . . . > < . . . Accessing .Exe File . . . > Attention visitors and citizens of Katune A-291...
< Connecting to MoreColonialStaffWanted.StarList.Com . . . > < Extracting relevant data . . . > < Clearing FTLCR buffer . . . > < Page opening . ....
< Connecting to GalacticColonies.Com/sectors/antares/Katune-A-291 . . . > < Extracting relevant data . . . > < Clearing FTLCR buffer . . . > <...
< Connecting to ColonialStaffWanted.StarList.Com . . . > < Extracting relevant data . . . > < Clearing FTLCR buffer . . . > < Page opening . . . >...
Introduction Yep, that's right. This is gonna be so long it's gonna be in sections, apologies in advance. Now that that's out of the way... A few...
Broke? Crazy? Generally-Rejected-By-Society-In-A-Rude-Fashion? We got you covered. I'm currently looking for willing crewmen to help with the...
Since I'm a massive SCRUBLORD when it comes to modifying stuff in Starbound, I've been forced to ask for some halpz. I'm entirely unsure how to...
> You have 1 new message . . . > Decrypting Fight_Back.Exe . . . > Opening Fight_Back.Exe . . . This is for the record. I'm not a terrorist. I'm...