Separate names with a comma.
Plus whats the new server password it wont accept the current password I got so give me teh password? PLZ? :0
Il post personnel password in my application so you guys can put it in white list.. But do we need our own server account?
did we get a new server username?
.... tried that....
Kazz save us we cant get in D: don't let us be forgotten in the dust flying in the wind to know where forgotten.
I keep putting the Password in and it wont accept the password did we get a new password if so put it in my application.
....... hmmm... cupcakes? ..... well I know what I lik- VOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Huh Pancakes Why don't we just give...
Hmm.... So? I want in.
Name: Stong Honger. Race:Hyloti (mutant) Desired Position:Lab Technician Priority Application: Yes. (Genetic Engineer/Genetic scientist and A...
Who ever likes my songs like me and post it :D
Well... true I'm thinking about using my character to be a good guy ( and a disguised bad guy) A guy you don't suspect to be a bad guy. I wouldn't...
I have theme songs for me I have alot... Post apocalypse Song When everything is gone dead destroyed the aftermath of a battle: [media] My...