Separate names with a comma.
Look at this dude, asking us why we didn't rape her. I dunno dude - maybe cos it's hella fucked? AN@RCHRIST
I suppose so. I guess I just have a hard time crusting people with these sorts of things.
Y'all knead to simmer down with these shit puns.
What're ya gonna do, bleed on me? AN@Rchrist
[ 10/10 ]
Narf booboo, the gang topic's been up since June I don't think interests there bb
this aint a damn flame war i'm the op u fkn kid Nah but for real that wasn't passive aggressive, just like. Sayin'. Y'dig?
In fact - the colony that's been doing the best to deal with the Outcasts (Taranis) has been using their Taranic Guards very well and are in fact...
I'm not sure what that has to do with it, so if you could explain that'd be cool. But to speak to your point - there isn't?
Because I didn't think this should go on the Outcasts crticism thread - but still relates to some of the stuff that we've been getting criticism...
Don't bother leaving messages if this is your idea of constructive. You too, Skipi.
Plasma Gun is like, one dude. Keep the criticism coming! It may not look like it, but we're reading this and talking about how to improve c:
Mm. I guess I get that. There are a lot of shitty Outcasts - and when we accidently grab somebody who isn't a good enough RPer - we tend to kill...
I dunno, man. For the equipment - I'd say that 9/10 outcasts don't even have armor, they just have those normal outcast clothes - and most of us...
Alrighty guys. Don't goof this up with some passive aggressiveness or outright dickery, I genuinely want to know if I'm in the wrong mindset here....
you forgot the best part [ATTACH] ANARCHY
Mhm. With school comes a lack of players. There's more on during the weekends.
Well heck, after them Greenskins got booted outta' LM, crime dropped down ta' near nothin'. Buncha' good fer' nothin' club draggers! -Jeremiah P....
i am become jim, creator of gif [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]