Separate names with a comma.
[*several moments of static before Treeknife begins to speak.*] "Treeknife'sss making a diary. Treeknife heard from friendssssss and Treeknife...
It's okay. I talked to Mugwump and all's well now.
... So, uh, it's been an entire week since I posted my app and I'm still waiting to be approved or denied.
I suppose they're only human. I hope. I don't think Floran mods would end well. EITHER WAY, Heya, Molly, have fun in this server, lord knows I...
Rest in peace, Robin Williams.
Please unfollow me immediately I write nothing of value
"Hey, can you do X?" and then he forgot and I never asked again because I was afraid I'd sound needy.
If I'll end up sticking around I'll make a thread so we'll all be able to share amusing D&D stories.
Thank you, my good man.
I was an Elven Cleric (3.5e) and helped my party to destory an ancient archdemon which planned an invasion. Was a pretty long thing, ended up with...
literally no
Lord of the rings Online, the SWTORtanic when I was desperate, I managed to find a good Guild in RIFT, too.
Hi there, and nice to meetcha all. I'm UrbanCritter, and I guess I'm a roleplaying fanatic. D&D, MMO RP, you name it I did it. I'm looking...
I'm one of those people who bumps into a chair an apologizes.