Separate names with a comma.
No idea. To be fair, I only played the reincarnation of Myth Drannor. It lasted all of a few weeks and the admin closed it again.
Never played any Social servers, myself. Except for the time Chron and I trolled Sinfar. Generally only ever stuck to the RP section. Mind you,...
Most servers use their own CD key authenticator that logs CD keys to certain accounts. That way people can't simply log in on someone else's...
Gamespy was taken down aaaaages ago. Just means you have to use third party sites to keep track of the server lists. But no. Ravenloft isn't a...
I have to agree, as well. The mods are people/players just like the rest of us. There's no reason why they can't have fun times as well.
The one she posted. I agree with Keycross, in any case. These threads keep popping up and they also always seem to just devolve into pointing...
So, I tried looking for the old thread where this mod was brought up, originally. However, I couldn't find it. So here's a new one. THe sitting...
"Please send all applications to our staff." -Aedan ((This meaning, send it in a conversation including Akatosh and myself. :3))
Terallis dislikes this message. >8(
Another thing to think about is that, no matter how it's made, it won't be remotely the same as something like one of the XS mechs. Not to mention...
Daggerfall is cool. But for stuff like this, Skyrim is just infinitely more customizeable. :3
((Those sorts of posts are generally deleted due to an invalid username. Might want to post an actual username.))
Yeah, I know. XD Just wasn't ready for them. Haha. Anyways, posting the video here. Apologies for the size. My OBS was messing up. Gonna fix that...
Alrighty. First stream is good. It was a bit slow and I died a lot because of where I started, but yeah! I'll post the video here shortly. Keep in...
Stream is now LIVE!
Could always go for something of your own design. Easiest to do are generally tribal designs like the one I made in my profile picture.
Fifteen more minutes until stream starts. :3
"If you're broadcasting on open galaxy radio, then yes. We do. It's unavoidable unless we completely turn off the radio, generally. And given that...
"And that is what is gonna get people to hate this. People don't want to hear radio broadcasts like this in the open galaxy radio. Find another...
((I'm aware. Notice that he says that he hears information about it.))