Separate names with a comma.
Gotcha, so we'd have moved on from Antares entirely, if any of our characters even made it that is...that's pretty cool and interesting. Epsilon...
This is a great idea, though it would meet with some resistance from those who've put in the time to make new colonies/bases/etc. recently. The...
Well I think we should figure out what constitutes a sector of space as well while we are at it. Is it basically an arm of the galaxy, or just a...
I like this thought, mostly because it appeals to the kind of roleplaying I like, and opens up all sorts of interesting stuff: The Haves and the...
What about any takers on the series' by Robin Hobb?
I like Bones, does that count?
That's hardly true. The people who post to the PZ and GTA threads all play on the server as well. We are bouncing on numbers right now, and...
All people do is bag on my opinions so I'm just gonna toss my hat in support and let others do the arguing. I like this server, and all the staff...
Ignorant-know-it-alls and Maddened Mauraders are making a break for it! Three cheers for freedom! Murica!
StarMarket The only starnet open commodities trading market! Selling to colonies, businesses, factions and outposts! What is it? It's a localized...
Understandable, and I get that our player base is too small but I do kinda feel like businesses are underused on the whole, like where do people...
I get that, but after they feed themselves, they export how much? Enough to feed 3 colonies(I think that's conservative but I'm not sure how many...
I didn't say there were dozens, I said there was a half dozen in development. I'm not saying I'm the only business either, but where's food coming...
I've noticed that business slumps at times, but the need for businesses to give people jobs are high. Right now I'm having issues with a couple...
My PZ character died from a severe burn from being careless around a fire pit. Fear the fire, 30 seconds till death, even if you put it out.
Hrm, I dunno then. Events are always fun though! Sadly I'm almost never on when other people are playing them.
Also, I think summer is here. That's part of the issue I think.
I've seen some people simulate the booster with one of the veritcal florescent lights.
Maybe I'll make a volcanic planet!