Separate names with a comma.
-Cyan- 14k
-Cyan- Obvious lie; ignore person.
-Cyan- ((Goldleaf)) 10k (( OOC Disclaimer: Yes my character is lieing about the money. ))
-GoldLeaf- BIG WARN FOR BOUNTIES HUNTERS: If leaves alone floran pay thats or more. If nots listen to floran, floran swears is hunt down person,...
-GoldLeaf- Floran Gold saw on bounty thing, people is offer money for human. Floran suggest remove name from thread nows; is danger yes. Floran...
-"Nat"- Security? Donating my body? I don't want to die, hell, your job offers are everything but reasonable. As I no longer need this thread and...
-"Nat"- I need to rebuild my life, not to spend whatever little thing Ive got helping others just 'cause.
-"Nat"- Dobut it would really help me. Also "prove it" post was for the Tetanus fan.
-"Nat"- Prove it? You know. I don't feel like getting mugged/falling on some pit and dieing.
-"Nat"- Again, I'm no smith. Sorry. What?: Nope. I'm weak-ish, place's dangerous, and filled with criminals. No thanks.
-"Nat"- Uhh you talk like the mad glitches.
-"Nat"- I don't know how to post this without sounding stupid, but lately my life has been going downhill. I lost my job, havn't got a real home,...
-"Nat"- Obvious liar. Don't listen.
-"Nat"- I'll pay 100. Badly need that radio.
Interested. But probably impossible for me. Goddamnit cole timezones.
-Xia- Good. I'm in, then! Message me with the details.
-Xia- Do you want engineers? Biologists? Explain more.
6:00 PM -> 00:00 here. Most likely not possible.
Here, have this chocolate-covered, baby cookie. Butler, kill my past self.