Separate names with a comma.
(( Deleted as no longer makes sense ))
(( Indeed, the best would be to ask -before- attacking, when the outcome isn't clear yet, tell the person why will you do it and how, such things. ))
(( No offence but generally you should be the one asking for permission whenever the thing is about to happen (as they may consent sometimes and...
1) Not sure 2) Not sure, I prefer not to answer. I'd ask you to clarify what "this" is. This questions? 3) It's probably exactly like our old...
My banhammer seal of approval: [IMG]
[ Personal Log #6 ] So many things have happened lately.. Yesterday I met Ghost in Union after some time without seeing him. It was nice, we...
Happy birthday.
(( What there -is- people that talks spanish around; No mucha gente pero yo existo sabes? )) (( Yarr welcome ))